
* Psychiatry & Neuropsychiatry
    - Cancer Survivorship  
    - Complex Medical Disorders 
    - Developmental Disabilities
    - Epilepsy

* Individual, Family, Group

* Autism, ADHD, Neurodiversity &

* Neurodivergent Affirming Care

* LGBTQIA+ Affirming Care

“Demands and expectations can cause people to leave their path: my job is to help you build your resilience, to discover your own unique path to wellness…”

Morning jog in the countryside

Dorothy Clare Tessman

Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner

Each person has their own path to wellness, and finding this path is each person’s goal: it would be my joy and honor to be a part of your team, helping you to build your resilience and discover your unique path to wellness.

My particular focus helps uncover the ways that demands and expectations can cause people to leave their path, and on how we can make it easier to widen the path or get you back on it.

As a LEND trainee (Leadership Education for Neurodevelopmental and related Disabilities) at UIC, I am firmly established in anti-ableist and Disability Pride activism movements. My own lived experiences as neurodivergent and non-binary are a crucial part of my ability to validate others’ experiences in each of our journeys in life.

I invite you to join me in building a connection, on your terms, which will strengthen your whole self, body, mind, and spirit!

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